We got a funny call this morning from a Mr. Anthony Ant. He claimed, on behalf of 100 trillion cli-ants, that the Formicidae family (aka ants) had the original copyright on Truck Camper Magazine’s tagline, “Go Anywhere. Camp Anywhere. Tow Anything.”
Ants, Anthony explained, were going anywhere, camping anywhere, and towing anything over 130 million years before truck campers came along, and they were less than happy with the copyright infringement. “You don’t want us to ant-tagonize you, do you Mr. White?” he suggested.
Naturally we get calls like this all the time at TCM HQ and simply hung up on his ants. The thing is, since that call we’ve had a few shall we say “unwelcome visits” from Mr. Anthony’s ant-ssociates. It’s really starting to bug us, gnat that we can do anything about it now, other than flea.
Okay, okay! Enough bad bug jokes. Let’s try this again…
Unless you’re an anteater, chances are you don’t enjoy camping with ants. They get into your crackers and cereal. They form ant lines across your countertops. And as you’re trying to fall asleep, you keep thinking one is crawling up your leg. Yeah, we’ve been there.
Mice, spiders, and even squirrels can also cause all kinds of problems with winterized campers left unattended, or just parked overnight in the wrong spot. The question is, what can we do about it?
In the article, “6 Pest Control Pointers for Truck Campers” tips were offered to stop the invasions. For this week’s Question of the Week, we’re hoping to hear about even more tips and tricks to keep the critters out.
This week’s Question of the Week is, “What do you do to keep critters out of your truck camper?”
Share your ideas here:
The post How Do You Keep the Critters Out? appeared first on Truck Camper Magazine.