Mike and Cathie Tassinari sent us the calendar of events for the 2016 Hot Air Balloon Festival. The gathering starts this Friday, July 22nd and runs until Sunday at the University of Rhode Island Athletic Fields in Kingston, Rhode Island.
Here is the information about the rally from Mike and Cathie:
“There is still plenty of room should you still like to join us at the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Kingston, Rhode Island, on July 22-24, 2016. If you are going to attend this Jamboree, please send an email to us no later than this Thursday night at tassiebb@comcast.net so that we can add you to our list.
If you have not signed up already, you will need to pay the festival fee of $75 to camp (includes two people) when you arrive at the event.
Here is a breakdown of what is scheduled as well as a printable PDF.
Friday, July 22, 2016
2:00 – 4:00pm – Registration ($15/per person) at Mike and Cathie’s camper
5:30pm – Hot dog and ice cream social
6:30 – 9:00pm – Walk to festival to see balloon glow and listen to music
Saturday, July 23, 2016
8:00 – 9:00am – Coffee and Registration by Mike and Cathie’s camper
9:00am – Torklift All Terrain Landing Gear demonstration
Festival events during the day
4:30pm – Buffet dinner
9:00pm – Fireworks
Sunday, July 24, 2016
8:00 – 9:00am – Farewell breakfast
Please note that the Hot Air Balloon Festival has a full slate of events that will last right up to 6:00pm on Sunday. There is no need to rush out, so please enjoy the rest of the day.”
For a full listing of upcoming events in 2016, visit our RV Shows and Rallies page.
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